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  • 007Cruiser
    Glad you are now having fun with the car.

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  • Hippie-Dog
    Update!!! Got the borla and magnaflow oem cats installed...

    Amazing difference! Started with ordering the cat back borla system. They had to fab it as it was on backorder (2002) so it took weeks to get. Lucky me, as I drove the car to work and back several times while waiting I noticed the ole rotten egg smell...

    So I began thinking (risky business sometimes with me) and thought what if the cats are a problem?

    After some searching and pondering I sprung for the magnaflow cats as well. So now I have a new stainless exhaust front to back.

    We removed the entire exhaust and found the crimps on the old system were oozing black rust filled moisture and the stock cats smelled.

    The stock cats had the o2 sensors less that a few inches apart and the so called downstream sensor was actually in the middle of the cat housing.

    The new cats relocated the sensors a foot apart in the pipes to read more accurately (used 4 new Walker o2's).

    e were worried about having enough wire to connect but the new censors had extra length wires to accommodate for the relocation distance.

    Now it really runs! It's like the brakes were dragging compared to now.

    I know I'll get way better gas mileage as I barely have to touch the peddle to maintain 45.

    Best thing I have done for this car!!!!

    So a cold air intake, new magnaflow cats and a new borla cat back woke this car up!!!!

    I couldn't be more pleased :-)

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  • Hippie-Dog
    Originally posted by Gobird View Post
    Here's what I used..

    Worked great and was easy to install as it used the original piping.

    Still trying to find a complete system as the last one I purchased did not have the proper size connections to replace the ducting completely.

    Anyone looking for a easy upgrade should try the addon version that gives you the adaptor to connect to your original duct.

    I did mine in 15 minuets.
    Last edited by Hippie-Dog; Sep 25, 2024, 02:09 PM. Reason: Spelling challenged..

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  • Hippie-Dog
    Originally posted by Gobird View Post
    Great one!!!! Where do you purchase the kit?

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  • Gobird
    Here is what I did many tears ago.

    Installing CAI in 02 Bird - - Thunderbird Forums

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  • Hippie-Dog
    Originally posted by BirdsAndBugs View Post

    A little throatier sound. No noticeable change in HP.
    The trick is to pair the exhaust with a cold air intake and high flow cats. If you are using the stock air box you are missing the advantage of the exhaust as it is freer flowing but is restricted by other components. Ya gotta get the air in to take advantage of the missing performance improvements.

    I use this philosophy on everything from mopeds and motorcycles to big truck engines. Just replaced a moped engine intake with a foam air cleaner (removed the airbox) new exhaust that removed baffle restrictions and a high energy ignition (cdi).

    That engine went from a top speed of 25mph to a top speed of 50mph

    So the weak links are the airbox and the stock cats. Eliminating airflow restrictors is the key as a motor is basically a air pump that uses gasoline as it's power source. Start with a better air cleaner like...

    ...Simply remove the airbox and replace it with the new filter. Disconnect the battery for a hour to reset the computer and give it a whirl. If you don't like it you are only out 50 bucks. Should see a noticeable difference even with a stock exhaust (I did on my 2002).

    A cold air intake, a borla exhaust, HM cats instead of oem (if you don't live in California or New York) and a programmer could easily yield you 30+ horses.
    Last edited by Hippie-Dog; Sep 25, 2024, 02:04 PM.

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  • Hippie-Dog
    I am Pre Borla. Have the system and also have 2 new MagnaFlow HM cats with front pipes and 4 new walker oxygen sensors. Will install next week!

    2002 Black Bird

    PS: Had to make my own cold airbox as I could not find one anywhere for the 2002. If anyone knows of a cold air box kit for the 2002 please let me know.

    Will update after install.
    Last edited by Hippie-Dog; Sep 25, 2024, 01:10 PM.

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  • 007Cruiser
    Originally posted by ambitio View Post
    I checked with the vendor. They only have one product for the 2002 model year. They didn't know why the website offers the various options.

    So far the benefits seem to be more distinctive sound , likely minor HP improvement , that should be it - right?
    Yes Reza, you’re spending for a little more noise. If you’re ever down my way you can get a listen.

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  • BirdsAndBugs
    Originally posted by ambitio View Post
    I checked with the vendor. They only have one product for the 2002 model year. They didn't know why the website offers the various options.

    So far the benefits seem to be more distinctive sound , likely minor HP improvement , that should be it - right?
    A little throatier sound. No noticeable change in HP.

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  • ambitio
    I checked with the vendor. They only have one product for the 2002 model year. They didn't know why the website offers the various options.

    So far the benefits seem to be more distinctive sound , likely minor HP improvement , that should be it - right?

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  • Dizzbe
    Originally posted by SugarDaddy View Post
    The Borla cat-back system for the 2002 T-bird is different than the one for the 2003-2005 T-birds.

    We have the Borla exhaust system on our T-Bird. SugarBabe wanted it after she heard it on Dizzbe's T-bird at Heartland Thunder.
    Yes it was the gift that kept on giving. Many may not remember, but I won my Borlas at Thunder Fever in TN back in 2005. At the Tulsa event we were taking some pictures and SugarBabe moved my car. Once she heard and felt the Borla rumble, Jerry was doomed. The event had Borlas up for auction, and away the bidding went with the Sugars placing the winning number.

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  • SugarDaddy
    The Borla cat-back system for the 2002 T-bird is different than the one for the 2003-2005 T-birds.

    We have the Borla exhaust system on our T-Bird. SugarBabe wanted it after she heard it on Dizzbe's T-bird at Heartland Thunder.

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  • Gobird
    Not that I know of.

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  • ambitio

    I am looking at adding a Borla system to my 2002 Tbird. There are various vendors out there and there seem to be different options to chose from (e.g. touring, cat-back) that doesn't seem to make any different in the final product choice.

    Are there various versions of this product available for our birds?

    Thanks -- Reza

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  • 2002RbnsEgg
    Added them to my 2002 Thunderbird Blue

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